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2021 The Bootleg Society Cabernet Sauvignon

2021 The Bootleg Society Cabernet Sauvignon
Wine Specs
Cabernet Sauvignon
Amador County
Vineyard Designation
St. Amant Vineyard
Bottling Date
Alcohol %

We planted Cabernet Sauvignon in our Amador County vineyard back in 2012, and over the past decade have experimented with producing wine from this block to create a wine that represents the unique qualities of our vineyard and highlights the varietal character inherent in Cabernet Sauvignon. The resulting wine is beautifully balanced with dark berry fruit, a subtle herbal note and supple tannins.

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I’ve been told by those that knew my father well, that he’s rolling in his grave at the thought of St. Amant bottling a Cabernet Sauvignon. You have to realize my dad hated all things Cabernet. It wasn’t that it made bad wine, although there are plenty of bad versions, but to him it was overplayed and symbolized all that can be wrong with the wine business. 
Despite his misgivings, I went ahead and planted Cabernet Sauvignon in our vineyard back in 2012, and I am excited to announce our 2nd vintage of Bootleg Society Cabernet Sauvignon. Over the past decade we have experimented with producing wine from this block to create a wine that represents the unique qualities of our vineyard and highlights the varietal character inherent in Cabernet Sauvignon. The resulting wine is beautifully balanced with dark berry fruit, a subtle herbal note and supple tannins. This wine is certain to please even the most cynical among us, and I think even my dad would have enjoyed the wine. 

Wine Specs
Cabernet Sauvignon
Amador County
Vineyard Designation
St. Amant Vineyard
Bottling Date
Alcohol %

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